Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Kaixo San Sebastian

(Kaixo-hola-hello  in the basque language.)

Well it took me 9 hours but I managed the walk. 32.5km from Irun to the far side of San Sebastian. What a walk!

SS is a beautiful seaside city with the most beautiful beaches. It's a shame that it didn't rise above 12 degrees all days...except inside my raincoat..maybe 35 degrees in there.

I walked on all sorts of track..footpath
Country lane
National park duckboards
Open meadow
Well formed track
Very rough mountain goat track
Ferry boat
Ancient viaduct
Golden sands name but a few!

A highlight was the town of Pasai where we got the ferry. A real seaside village that looked medieval.  From the other side it was ok..but while walking through it ..magnificent!

The hostel here is on the western side of the city very close to our walk tomorrow.

After dinner I hope to walk to the Jesus statue that looks over the city.

I spent most of the day alongside Leon from Berlin and Rob n Hugh from Devon.

I find it hard to believe I walked that far today..with almost no issues apart from sore shoulders.

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