Friday, June 7, 2013

Genorosity to pilgrims

I have just a great walk after yet another thunderstorm.  I finished up at Basilica de Santiago. .the Catholic cathedral here in Bilbao. It is from the  13 and 14 century. There is a convent attached and as I wandered around the church one of the nuns asked if I was a peregrino. She then showed me the cloisters. .beautiful with the sounds of a busy city just over the wall. She then stamped my pilgrim record and asked to pray for her and her sisters in Compostela.

The pilgrim record is very important. .they take it very seriously over here. I was in a shop earlier trying to buy a lighter glasses case.  I put my pilgrim record on the counter to get my money out and it insisted on giving the case to me. I was very embarrassed but he also explained that I should pray for him and his workmate when i am in Santiago de Compostela.

The case is a  quarter the weight of my other I will ditch it. I also posted back to NZ some gear that I hope I won't need...reducing my pack weight by about 1kg.

My sleeping bag is the heaviest item I have now apart from my boots but I have used it each night in the hostels as a blanket.  Next comes my bivvy bag and emergency fly but I am not prepared to let them go yet...ah the worry!

Tomorrow I catch the metro to the city outskirts and start walking from Portugalete. Then I walk on past Pobena which is at the edge of Basque country.

No joy on the caving..there are no trips to local caves so it has really been a lovely quiet day...with my walking up to 16.5km for the day. I went to the supermarket BUT camo out and headed in the wrong direction for 2.5km...making my 1km round trip nearly 4km long. Not bad for a day off.

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