Thursday, June 6, 2013

In Bilbao

Great nights sleep but joints sore today..maybe slept too deeply.
Having breakfast around the corner from my hotel ..guess what..I mucked up the coffee yet again. I have strong black coffee. Again.

Overcast day. If I can't get to caves I will explore the guggenhiem art museum and the old city.

My blisters are ok...ish. left heel is healing..I will need to protect it carefully tomorrow.  Right foot and toes are swollen. .but that could be my joints this early in the morning.
Had brought my mountain trail shoes as my spare pair of footwear. .light...plenty of grip...but the last few evenings they feel too tight. I will see how they go today...if need be I'll replace them and send this pair home.

The forecast for today is rain and thunderstorms in the after noon.  I want to try and locate one of our group tomorrow and ask about her home...her town is one of those inundated with tropical cyclone Andrea in Florida.

I am able to follow tv weathe forecasts now..and use them in conjunction with from Vic uni Wellington. The next few days are wet..clearing on Monday.

Right..into the city...

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