Today is the 31 May, 2014. Dad's birthday...he would have been 83 today.
What I can't belieive is that one year ago I left Brighton, Sussex in the morning and ended in Irun, Spain - ready to start my Camino del Norte.
Walking from David's place to the train station in Brighton was quite nice - cool weather but nice - about 2,5 km.
Then the train ride into London, changing to a special train to Stansted - and then waiting for my flight.
This was my first Albergue, and my first Pilgrim's Dinner in Spain was spent with Christine from Arizona, Hugh and Rob from Southern England and Akio from Osaka, Japan.
My original blog had these entries for today...
What I can't belieive is that one year ago I left Brighton, Sussex in the morning and ended in Irun, Spain - ready to start my Camino del Norte.
Walking from David's place to the train station in Brighton was quite nice - cool weather but nice - about 2,5 km.
Then the train ride into London, changing to a special train to Stansted - and then waiting for my flight.
This was my first Albergue, and my first Pilgrim's Dinner in Spain was spent with Christine from Arizona, Hugh and Rob from Southern England and Akio from Osaka, Japan.
My original blog had these entries for today...
I am in spain
Walked into a vodafone shop with me carefully worded request for an unlimted data sim..and the bloke spoje beautiful english.
So I am here in ìrun about to find the hostel. Thank you Mr Fletcher and Mr Whitehead
My schoolboy french got me out of the airport at Biarritz, onto the correct bus, down to the railway station, purchased my ticket to Hendaye.
The train..a TGV... has just left and I am really pleased that I got on the correct one. The plane only landed 35mins ago.
My flight over was with Ryanair...all blue and yellow like St Matt's school. 2 hrs from Stanstead. ..I'm quite pleased so far.
A break in transmission
I'll use my Spot device on Facebook for the next couple of days until I have got data sorted in Spain.
Flying from Stanstead to Biarritz and then bus to where I am staying tonight..Irun.
Flying from Stanstead to Biarritz and then bus to where I am staying tonight..Irun.
The Camino starts in the morning.
The nerves are there.